Tabled Exercises

All the myths of everyday life stitched together form a seamless envelope of ideology, the false account of everything thinkable. Ideology is a readymade always ready to stand in for a closer understanding of the world and its workings.

                              Martha Rosler: To argue for a video of representation To argue for a video against the mythology of everyday life (1977)


Hannah Chapman is a teacher and a curator and is for the first time exhibiting artworks as part of one practice of knowledge and understanding through art. She is a secondary school teacher who curates artist in residence projects and exhibitions at Concordia Gallery, where students collaborate with artists to exhibit artworks that reflects their process and learning.

Her artworks for Tabled Exercises are a rehearsing of her experiences, that we are in flexible relationship to the world and what it contains. It is that elastic frame of thinking that shapes the collaged everyday images, in a jelly mould, not yet set.

Image credit: Hannah Chapman. Slippery Pace to Land. 43cm x 31 cm collage on cardboard