Karla Pringle and Tara Gilbee

Karla Pringle and Tara Gilbee

Forest Telephonists


Karla and Tara have chosen to act as a type of message bank to several environments. Their bodies, negotiating the space of long-term illnesses, have become formidable readers of nuanced atmospheric phenomena. The artists trace and process a deeper temporal space for themselves. A connected sensous proxy for what is absent as much as what may be present. They message each other, not with words but with affects sent from their respective umwelten. Hoping the deep time and scale between them can make sense of signs they are only just learning to speak, or maybe, remember.

Katheen Travers, Sarah Elyard, Ebony Tait and Morris (our rabbit)

Katheen Travers, Sarah Elyard, Ebony Tait and Morris (our rabbit)